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Who is Homeopathy for?

In the United States, homeopathy has become an adjunct to conventional medicine. Homeopaths find most of their work among people who have either abandoned conventional medicine, or who believe that medicine that prompts the body into better control and balance of itself is a better approach. But most people come to homeopathy because they have some issue that they have not been able to resolve through allopathic medicine.

Otherwise, why would one come to homeopathy? There are websites, including Wikipedia, that loudly and regularly condemn homeopathy as quack medicine, perpetrated by frauds who make themselves rich by preying on the sick. That's the picture they paint. It's the same stereotypical picture that is painted of any marginalized group.

The fact is that homeopathy can be of immense help to people for whom regular medicine has failed. Even for people who are in conventional treatment, homeopaths have methodologies to allow homeopathy to work even when someone is taking prescription medications. And homeopathic medicines to not interact with conventional medications. Homeopathic medicines are that different from pharmaceuticals that they do not affect how they work. Homeopathic medicines do not have side effects either.

So if you are here reading this, there's a good reason you are here. I'm here to tell you that this is a safe and effective form of medicine that can help you. Homeopathy can't fix everything, but it can fix a lot of things, and any decent homeopath can tell you whether homeopathy can help you or not and give you an idea of the time and costs that you might run into getting where you want to be.

One last thing, homeopaths are not wealthy. There are a few who make a decent, middle class income, but most homeopaths struggle along trying to figure out how to make a living at this form of medicine that we love so much. The work is fascinating, challenging and time consuming.

Below is a photo of one of the greatest American homeopaths of the 19th Century, Constantine Hering in his library.

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