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“Question Mark”by Ranjith Siji is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
These are commonly asked questions about classical homeopathy and our practice.
What is in homeopathic medicine that makes it work?In truth we do not know. Currently there are are at least two theories that seem to fit the circumstances under which homeopathy operates. Briefly, these are models based on either quantum entanglement, or on nanoparticles. A third line of thinking is that there is some kind of electromagnetic interaction occurring. Homeopathy was created during the Enlightenment, while the scientific method was itself being worked out. While rigorously rational and consistent, homeopathic methodology relies much more heavily on inductive reasoning than deductive. This emphasis produces rational results which are repeatable and very durable over time, but which often offer little in the way of explanation as to why things work the way that they do. Scientific method also uses a combination of inductive and deductive reasoning, but in a different configuration and with different logical emphasis.
What does the term "vital force" mean, and why is it so important to homeopathy?Vital force has two meanings in homeopathy. First, it describes the overall health of the organism, and in homeopathy this specifically means the organism's ability to adapt to change in its environment. Second, vital force describes the available energy that the organism has for healing. Homeopathy is most effective when the organism has a strong vital force, i.e. a lot of energy available for healing. The homeopathic medicine directs the body to appropriately heal itself. Remedies do not directly treat any condition.
Why have I not heard about homeopathy before?In the 19th century United States, homeopathy was immensely popular. Rochester, New York had two homeopathic hospitals: Highland Hospital was originally "Hahnemann Hospital" and Genesee Hospital was originally "Rochester Homeopathic Hospital." The latter also had a homeopathic nursing school. In the USA there were over 100 homeopathic hospitals, 28 homeopathic medical schools, and over 1000 homeopathic pharmacies in 1910. All of that was undone by a study commissioned by John D. Rockefeller, called "The Flexner Report," which served to delegitimize homeopathy in the public eye. By 1929 the last homeopathic medical school closed, and Americans forgot about homeopathy. For more info, click here.
Is homeopathy just placebo?Placebo effect is operant in every situation where there is expectation of a result, with any kind of medicine or therapy. It is present in conventional medicine and homeopathy. In thousands of studies over 200 years, homeopathy has been shown to be effective in situations and conditions where placebo is irrelevant. Homeopathic medicines are regularly and effectively used to treat babies, animals and plants, I.E. In situations in which is difficult to argue the influence of placebo. In situations where placebo is a factor, studies have consistently shown that the positive results of homeopathic treatment far exceed what would be expected from placebo. Homeopathic provings (drug trials) are conducted double blind, and repeated provings of older medicines produce similar, if not identical, results, even when separated by 100 years or more.
Why are there no side effects?During the production of remedies, of dilution and succussion, most finished homeopathic medicines have little or none of the original source substances in them. Based on more than 200 years of drug trials called provings, homeopaths and their patients have observed that what remains in the medicine is an of impression of that original substance, to which a person's (or animal, or plant, or baby) own homeostatic mechanisms respond to at a very deep level. As homeopaths, this response is something we see happen every day. This extremely diluted formulation results in a very safe form of medicine. Used appropriately, homeopathic medicines have no side effects, nor interactions with conventional medicine.
Is homeopathy safe for pregnant women?Yes, but generally pregnant women should take homeopathic remedies only under the direction of a qualified homeopath.
Is homeopathy safe for children and babies?When I began practice, frankly, treating little babies scared me a little bit. What I quickly discovered is that because homeopathic medicines redirect the organism's vital force towards healing, babies and children tend to respond even better to homeopathy than adults.
How long does homeopathic treatment take?It varies a great deal, but the general rule is that for every year that a person has had a condition, it will take at least a month of homeopathy to resolve. A more in depth answer is that it depends on the depth and complexity of the illness and the strength of the client's vital force, i.e. the energy the organism has available to direct to healing.
Is homeopathy concerned with diet and environment?Absolutely. While homeopaths are not dietitians nor toxicologists, homeopaths do ask questions as to diet and environment as part of the client's assessment, and if there are indications of preexisting habits or environmental factors negatively impacting the client's health, appropriate referrals to medical professionals may be made as part of the recommendation.
What is the homeopath's treatment role in relation to conventional medicine?This varies somewhat state to state, but in New York, non-medical homeopaths are considered "lay health consultants," which means that we do not purport to treat any diagnosed illness. We do not diagnose illness, nor are we trained to do so. Fortunately homeopathic medicine does not rely on medical diagnoses for treatment. We also do not prescribe or dispense homeopathic medicines. After a consult we typically make a recommendation of a homeopathic medicine to a client, which the client may purchase on their own.
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