What to Expect in a Homeopathic Consultation
Length of consultations, the
purpose of follow up consults,
the goal of homeopathy.

Acute Cases
In Classical Homeopathy there are two broad treatment classifications -- acute and chronic. An acute situation is self-limiting, of brief duration, and generally the subject will get better on their own -- if they don't die. Examples of acute situations include, bruises, bee stings, poison ivy, motion sickness, even stage fright!
With a little knowledge, many acutes can be treated at home by parents or individuals.
But if you need it, we are here and ready to help !
Chronic Cases
Chronic cases are typically of long duration, and are not self-limited; meaning they are health situations marked by a steady worsening of symptoms, mental, physical, spiritual or some combination. This can occur over weeks, months, or many years. These types of conditions need to be treated by a trained, classical homeopath.

Pre-consult chat
Homeopathy cannot fix everything. Many conditions arising from physiological structural issues cannot be addressed homeopathically. For example a mis-set, broken bone cannot be corrected homeopathically.
At Blackbird Homeopathy, potential new clients have a pre-consult interview (typically on ZOOM) to find out if the client's issues are appropriate for homeopathy, and to establish therapeutic congruence -- i.e. establish mutual and reasonable treatment expectations.
Chronic Consultation
After health history forms are completed, the Chronic consultation occurs. Typically done remotely on ZOOM and lasting two to three hours, chronic consults have four parts:
1. First the homeopath briefly answers any questions about homeopathy or the practice that the client may have (5-15 minutes).
2. Then the client speaks at length about their experience and specific nature of their illness, while the homeopath takes extensive notes (1-1.5 hours).
3. The homeopaththen asks the client specific questions about the client's health and symptoms in order to get a clear enough picture to make a recommendation. Questions arising from the clients' health history are covered at this time (20-45 minutes).
4. The homeopath conducts a brief survey to collect data for practice audit, and to ensure therapeutic congruence. (5 minutes)
5. The homeopath schedules the client for a follow up and lets the client know when the homeopath's recommendation will be forthcoming. (5minutes)

Recommendation & Remedies
At Blackbird Homeopathy, the homeopath typically takes 1-5 days to make a recommendation. Homeopathic medicines (called "remedies") are classed by the FDA as over the counter medications. In New York State, only licensed medical professionals are permitted to dispense (even OTC medications), so instead, the homeopath makes a recommendation to the client, which consists of:
1. The remedy name and recommended potency.
2. How to take the remedy and how often.
3. Where the remedy may be purchased.
The Goal of Homeopathy
Much of chronic disease is caused by the body's balancing mechanisms respond to illness and circumstances inappropriately. Homeopathic medicines communicate directly with the body's vital force (homeostatic mechanisms) as images of disease or traumas, and prompt the vital force to take appropriate action in response. If the remedy is a good match to the client's illness, that response may resolve or cure the illness and restore balance.